
Showing posts from May, 2010


Writer: Dewi Natalia In the middle of May, someone planted the seeds in my heart Let them grow without doubt Creating a strong root No one can yank out it I’ve tried to find out where the planter is Planting smoothly and diligently And make the seeds growing faster with affections No one can chase him away to stop planting suddenly That is a good time for planter To show everyone how great is the seeds now Rising like a star And never ending as people see now

A Far Away Man

Writer: Mery Cris Natalia You come to my home With all of our flowery memories You come in my darkness I don’t why It makes me want to cry loudly You brought your power like hero You brought your love You brought your responsibility, too But you also brought your mystery like puzzle Mystery that cannot be expected Came when I was not ready But you went and went happily Without coming again to enter my home Why you do this to me? You who is always ready to help me When I am sad and happy Strong and weak I need you in my life But you just look and smile at me from the white place I think you have done the best in your country Although we know in short period of time But I believe that you have peace in your place Just want to keep you in my heart Because missing you make me get a diamond in my life


Never let a problem become an excuse.- Robert Schuller Houston, we have a problem.- Tom Hanks When you can't solve the problem, manage it.- Robert Schuller The man who has no problems is out of the game.- Elbert Hubbard Courage consists in equality to the problem before us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. -Thomas Mann No problem is so formidable that you can't walk away from it. -Charles M Schulz If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. -Abraham Maslow As the problems are new, we must disenthrall ourselves from the past. -Abraham Lincoln Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. -Erich Fromm It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem. -G K Chesterton There is always an easy solution to every human problem neat, plausible and wrong. -H L Mencken It's much easier to suggest solutions when you


Passion is the X factor that gives you the energy to do more so that you will not stop just because there are obstacles. Lack of passion is often a gap between failure and success. If you really enjoy your job, you can never be exhausted.   - Bill Gates Integrity can not be separated with honesty.   So, if you do the work of historians are not honest you do not have good integrity. You're not going anywhere if you do not know want to go. If you want to make the target to be achieved in your life, put the target is as high as possible and make sure that it was something big. Thinking small to think big when you will limit yourself in various aspects of life. People are able to do something big, but it will not happen if they did not think that they are capable of doing these great things.   Start with your own mind. Nothing is impossible, it all depends on whether you are ready or not.