
I'm here again. So long yah? I'm sorry for not being consistent. First of all I want to say: "Happy Ancension Day", for those who celebrate it today. 

Honestly tonight I just want to share something: careless. Do you know what careless is
, right? I found in my Cambdrige dictionary the meaning of that word: "not taking or showing enough care and attention". When we don't pay attention to our work, we may become a careless man. Someone said we might experience failure or broken-hearted because we are too careless. We couldn't pay attention to manage time to do our work or study so we fail. We don't get what we are expected: success. It is same with romance life. You don't show enough to your partner that you care for him or her. Then he or she one day asks you to break up. It happens because you are too careless. You say you love your partner but then you can't show how much you love him or her. Being careless can damage your life. It can bring you to even to death. You don't believe me? I have an evidence. One of my cousins. He was a-genius-man, very genius but he was so careless. He didn't watch out what would go through his mouth. He just ate whatever he wanted to eat. Then when he was around 30, he got cancer. As we know, cancer is a disease that is very very dangerous. It cannot be healed except the miracle from God comes. After several months, the miracle did not come and suddenly he came back to God. See? Careless can bring you to death.

Being careless can damage your life. It can bring you to even to death.

I don't want to frighten you.  I just want to remind you and also myself to stop being careless. Start from now we have to be careful in our life. To have long live we have to be careful.


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